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Howard Njoo told a news conference Thursday. The disease can be contracted through close contact with a sick person, including but not limited to sexual activity, Dr. Others say the early detection of the monkeypox cases by sexual health clinics shows how the queer community has mobilized to dismantle shame and promote safe practices.Ĭanada's deputy chief public health officer said he's mindful of the potential for stigma and discrimination, reiterating that the virus's spread isn't limited to any specific group or sexual orientation. While everyone is susceptible to the virus, clusters of cases have been reported among men who have sex with men, officials say.įor some LGBTQ advocates, this raises the spectre of sexual stigmatization that saw gay and bisexual men scapegoated for the spread of HIV-AIDS in the 1980s.

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Twenty-five infections have been confirmed in Quebec and one in Ontario, the Public Health Agency of Canada said Thursday, predicting the tally will rise in coming days.

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